Customer's keywords not being ranked

If your customer reported of not being able to rank keywords in MarketGoo after setting up the keywords and competitors and you have verified that the website is indexed on Google, you can escalate the case after considering the following factors:

- The customer website is new (Atleast less than a month or two)

- Keywords are too general/ broad and has a lot of competitors

- The site is not included on the ranking among the first 100 in any search engine for the chosen keywords. (MarketGoo detects only the first 100 pages of Google, it could mean that the customer keywords being optimised is not on the top 100.)

- They have the low number of pages and content ( Check the number of pages and content existing on the customer website and see if the niche of the customer is justifiable to the number of pages they have on their website) You may suggest the customer to start looking at their competitors. Example, If the competitor website has 100 web pages and the customer only has five etc. Then you can suggest Increasing the number of pages on their website to create the opportunity to provide specific and detailed information about each of the major products or services they offer.)

If you have checked and agreed that the customer has met the possible reasons why the keywords are not being ranked and it still doesn't do so after some time, feel free to log a message to and we would be happy to investigate the issue.

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